SUMMER 2018/19

By Richard Powles - Jan 2019

The ‘Grand Plan’ for summer was to give extended cruising on Moon River a real good crack, and to see if we could hack it all squished into one boat with the kids, their toys, their books, their school work and everything else! If successful we would attempt to get the boat to CAT1 and make our way to Tonga in late May with the Island Cruising NZ Rally 2019.

Annual T-Bay Christmas Day Photo! - Dec 2018

Annual T-Bay Christmas Day Photo! - Dec 2018

I finished work on Friday 21st December for 3 months extended leave, and Carolyns work accepted her decision to take some more time off - it’s her 6th stint of long-term leave now.

Christmas was spent in paradise at Taupo Bay, at the Simpson bach with the usual crab hunting, sand castle making, fishing, swimming, diving, and 2-3 surf sessions per day. Jackson and Tasman are really getting into the surfing, with Jackson starting to paddle himself onto the waves and Tasman still enjoying his push starts.

Mckinley was dominating the bodyboarding, singing to himself on the way into the beach and little Hawken was loving running in and out of the waves and being drageed along in the shallows.

Jake and Katie’s 3-day wedding festival over New Years was spectacular with the page boys stealing (a tiny bit) of the show.

The day before the big day - LOVE weddings

The day before the big day - LOVE weddings

After returning to Taupo Bay, we left Mckinley and Hawken in the secure hands of Sue and Laurie (Nana and Grandpa), and returned to Auckland to reunite with Moon River to bring her up to the Bay of Islands with Jackson and Tasman.
